How to fix mobile storage full problem
You have a lot of videos and photos on your mobile phone. Not only that, you will also have many applications installed unnecessarily. This will take up more storage space on your phone. Some applications are running in the background of the phone. Such applications take up a lot of storage space. This may reduce the speed of your mobile.
Apart from that, when we save some important information, we get a message that your mobile is out of storage. No matter how much we delete unnecessary files at that time, we still don't have any storage space. If you save a small file, you will get a message on your mobile saying that storage space is out of order. In this article, we will look at five types of methods to prevent this.
1.Clear Application Data:
a. To do this, go into the settings option on your phone.
b. Click on Apps.
c. Click on Manage Apps.
All the applications installed on your phone are displayed. Click on any application in it, and then click on the Storage option. Here you know how much storage that application is taking up. For example, I will select the Google Chrome application. Click on the storage option. It takes a total of 1.24 bytes of storage space. Click on the Clear Data option below to clear it. And disable the background option. If you don't need this application, then click on the force stop option and uninstall the application. Similarly, select other applications and click on the storage option, and then click on the clear data option to reduce the storage space on your phone.
2. Clear junk files from your mobile:
Jung files will take up a lot of unnecessary space on your phone. There are many applications to remove it. If you remove junk files from your phone using those applications, your phone will have more storage space. For this, you can use the Google application to remove junk files from your phone. Not only that, there are many junk file remover applications available on the Play Store. You can download it and remove junk files from your phone.
3. Auto update apps:
You have many applications installed on your phone. When you make updates in it, the applications on your mobile will also be updated automatically. This will cause storage issues on your mobile. To prevent this,
a. click on the Settings option in the Play Store.
b. Select the Network Preference option.
c. Select the Auto-update apps option.
d. Select the Don't Update apps option and click on the corresponding radio button.
By doing this model, the applications on your phone are prevented from updating automatically, thus reducing the storage issue.
4. Move to drive:
You have lots and lots of photos and videos on your phone unnecessarily. Remove unnecessary photos and videos to prevent storage problems from occurring on your phone. If you have some important photos and videos, move them to Google Drive on your phone. Google Drive is a cloud storage where you can save up to 15 GB of photos and videos. As many Gmail IDs as you have, you get 15 GB of storage space for each Gmail ID separately. You can save your required photos and videos in it. After that, you can remove photos and videos from your phone. This reduces the storage problem on your mobile.
5. Remove unwanted apps and files:
You have lots and lots of applications and files on your phone. After using it for a few days, you will not use it. At that time, you would not have removed these applications and apps that you may not be using. This will cause storage issues in your phone. To reduce it, check your phone and immediately remove any applications and files that you are not using. This will prevent internal storage problems in your phone.
In these articles, I have given five different ways to prevent internal storage problems. You too can get rid of unnecessary storage on your phone by using these steps. This will make your mobile look brand new. I hope this article is useful for you.